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These updates are for the new FirstVoices 3 (beta). All LTP language teams should have access to the new beta version of the site. If you do not have access, contact us at hello@firstvoices.com. |
What’s new? 🌄
Request to join a language site
All users are now able to request membership to join community language sites. You can request membership to both private sites and public sites – and you can request to join multiple sites, if you are a member of multiple communities.
Added “Join” link to request membership on public site homepages
Added membership request option when clicking on private sites
Knowledge Base article/tutorial coming soon! ✨
Join request management for Language Admins
Hand in hand with requesting membership, Language Administrators are now able to view and approve their pending membership requests. These requests will appear on the front page of your language Dashboard. If you have any existing requests, these should show up in the new website.
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If any members of your language team are receiving membership requests when they should not be, you may wish to change their role to Editor. Contact hello@firstvoices.com to make this change. Read more about team roles here: Team roles on FirstVoices |
What’s improved? 🐞
More migrated accounts on FirstVoices beta
All users who created an account on the main FirstVoices website prior to November 20 have been migrated to the new FirstVoices beta website. Instead of creating a new account, migrated users can simply click “Forgot your password?” to set up their login to the new FirstVoices for the first time.
Knowledge Base updates for the new FirstVoices
Our FirstVoices Knowledge Base has been refreshed with instructional content related to the new FirstVoices, particularly for information oriented toward language teams. If you have saved any links to the Knowledge Base, make sure they are connected to an up-to-date page.
Updated articles for language teams: Working on FirstVoices.com
New article: Add or edit songs
New article: Add or edit stories
General improvements
Visual and text improvements in the Language Team Dashboard.
Fixed bugs related to refreshing and pressing enter in some Dashboard forms.
Restricted sharing options for private sites with member-restricted content.
Improved text cleanup to match site alphabets, for better search experience.
Behind-the-scenes improvements when defining custom alphabets.
What’s next? 👀
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Got feedback? 🗣️
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For feedback, suggestions, or tech support, contact the FirstVoices team at hello@firstvoices.com. The new FirstVoices is in its infancy and we rely on your feedback to continue to improve it. We love to hear about how you use FirstVoices, and we welcome your thoughts! |