FirstVoices website – webWeb-based platform where communities can create, edit, host, and maintain content on their own interactive "language site," featuring a suite of online tools such as dictionary, custom search, games, Kids Portal Area, and more.
FirstVoices apps – interactive Interactive dictionary apps for Android and iOS, pulling which pull content from FirstVoices language sites. The apps contain text, audio, image and video content and are available as free downloads from the iTunes and Google Play stores.
FirstVoices keyboards – keyboard Keyboard software designed in partnership between language communities and the Keyman keyboard development team, downloadable on Mac and PC computers.
FirstVoices keyboard app – contains keyboard – Keyboard software for all FirstVoices keyboards within one easy to use app. Once the FirstVoices keyboard app is installed on a mobile device, any one of the 100+ custom keyboards can be activated. Users then are able to select their keyboard(s) of choice within their email, social media, word processing or other apps.