User roles and privileges

An entry is visible to different users types depending on its state. All entries start as New. Changes to an entry’s state must be approved by a Language Administrator or Recorder with Approval.

Language Recorders as well as Language Recorders with Approval have access to the Shared Multimedia Library, and have the ability to create/edit words, phrases, songs and stories assigned and approved by their Language Administrator.

In addition to adding language content, Language Recorders with Approval can activate and deactivate archive entries. Language Administrators can also create/edit/deactivate entries submitted by a Language Recorders and Language Recorders with Approval.

Language Administrators supervise their Language Recorders and the quality of their work, and assign Language Recorder accounts and Approval privileges to other team members.

Review and approval process for entries

1. When an entry is first added it is New, and is only visible to team members.

2. In order for a Language Recorder to submit an entry for approval by a Language Recorder with Approval or Language Admin, click the Enable button

3. A Language Admin or Language Recorder with Approval can now click on View My Tasks in order to view all of the entries that are being requested for enablement. On this page, they can click to Approve or Reject the entry.

4. Then, when an entry is Enabled, it is visible to archive members who have signed up to access the non-public view of the language archive.

5. In order for a Language Recorder to submit an entry for publication by a Language Recorder with Approval or Language Admin, click the Publish button.

6. A Language Admin or Language Recorder with Approval can now click on View My Tasks in order to view all of the entries that are being requested for publication. On this page, they can click to Approve or Reject the entry.

7. If an entry is Published, it becomes visible to public, which means anyone who visits the archive (with or without an account) can view the entry.