Module 9: Interface and Cassette Deck

Module 9: Interface and Cassette Deck

Before Entering This Module


This module focuses on two of the most important pieces inside your DiGI kit: the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Interface and the Cassette Deck. For a full introduction to the contents of your DiGI kit, you can navigate to Module 5: Meet your Digitization Kit where you can reacquaint yourself wit your DiGI kit.

This module will provide insights on how to best manage and care for these devices. It is recommended that you clean and connect the interface and cassette deck safely with your computer to ensure good outputs and streamline your digitization process. You will also be able to assess your understanding of these devices at the end of the module through knowledge checkpoints.

Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Interface

The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Interface is a device that takes the analogue sound in from the cassette deck, converts it to digital sound, and outputs it in its new digital form onto your computer. This is often called a converter, because it converts the sound from one file format to another. This conversion allows you to visualize this sound in a waveform on the computer using Audacity.

The converter has many different switches and dials on its front end. The most relevant controls for you in your digitization process are the gain controls/dials, inputs, headphone features (volume dial & headphone jack), and speaker volume dial:

Interface/Converter Location

Description and Use

Interface/Converter Location

Description and Use

Gain control

These dials are essential and control the gain (signal) from the cassette deck. If the gain is too high, then the sound may be clipped or lost in the recording process.

It is recommended to only modify the gain dials gradually (1/4 changes) or turning it to about 10 o'clock if necessary. When you change the gain dial, then you also technically change the master copy or preservation master, which should be as close to the cassette audio as possible. 


The inputs connect the converter with the cassette deck.

Headphone features

The headphone features are only important if you decide to play the audio and listen to it using headphones. Use the headphone jack to connect your listening device and use the dial to adjust the volume.

Speaker volume dial or Main Monitor

This dial adjusts the volume for the speakers if they are connected to the DiGI kit. Changing this dial does not change the levels you are recording.


The features of the converter that are less relevant to your DiGI work are the line/instrument level switch, AIR switch, direct monitor, and phantom power switch. These switches or monitors should be turned OFF during your digitization or are generally not used in archival preservation.

The USB symbol on your converter will light up when it is connected and power is running through it. Be sure to double-check your cables and inputs if you believe to have power running and are expecting to hear/record your tapes and there is no sound or playback.

In the module, there are various images of the converter. In these sections, click on the "?" signs to see what each component does.

Cassette Deck

The cassette deck is another important part of the digitization process. It will be the device that initially plays your audio-cassettes. It is important to maintain and clean your cassette deck. Its care is a priority, as it is increasingly becoming more expensive and difficult to repair these machines.

The module contains information on the best products and processes for cleaning the cassette deck. For your convenience, there are also price estimates for these additional supplies. An infographic is also available at the end of this article for you to download with these suggestions.

In the module, there are also various images of the cassette deck. In certain sections, click on the "?" signs to see what each component does.

Link to Interactive Module

Please follow this link to take you to the interactive module:

Interface and Cassette Deck

Relevant Documents

Indigitization has provided an infographic maintenance guide for your cassette deck and also a guide for understanding your interface. This information is also downloadable and available within the module itself.

Maintenance Guide for Your Cassette Deck

Interface Guide


After completing this module, please feel free to review it again or continue onto the next one.

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