Module 8: Condition Assessments

Module 8: Condition Assessments

In this module, you will be introduced to the purpose of condition assessments (of audio-cassettes) and the steps involved in this process. Condition assessments are important to complete before you digitize any tapes. If there is physical damage to the tape, it could be further damaged through the digitization process.

A condition assessment analyzes four parts: the container, the case, the cassette, and the tape. If you notice any deformations or damage in the tape itself, you will need to make an assessment if it requires further special processing. Anything that is deemed too risky to play in the cassette deck should go for special processing. It is recommended to put these tapes aside and to deal with them at the end of the project.

If you do find that a tape has deformations or damage:

  • Record the damage in the tape condition or tape deformation field of your condition assessment log

  • Set the tape aside for later; you may need to outsource damaged materials for digitization with a 3rd-party professional

This module will rely on the knowledge you acquired in Module 6 about metadata. If you want to have a refresher on the topic of metadata, it is recommended you review Module 7: What is Metadata? before beginning your condition assessments.

Link to Interactive Module

Please follow this link to take you to the interactive module:


Digitization has provided a condition assessment template that can be adapted for any project. Fill in the relevant information below and modify the columns as needed for your tapes and workflow:

Condition Assessment Template


After completing this module, please feel free to review it again or continue onto the next one.

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