July Open House: New Features Check-in

July Open House: New Features Check-in

Connection right now is more important than ever, and the FirstVoices development team wants to connect with you! Drop in to our virtual "open house" sessions to say hello to some members of the FirstVoices team, ask any questions you may have, and chat about the theme for that open house. These one hour long video sessions are open to FirstVoices language teams and users alike. 

Open House: New Features Check-in

Thursday, July 16: 3 PM - 4 PM

Click here to join the call (video is not required)

Topics of discussion:

  • We've recently launched a few new features, like customizable categories and embedding Youtube videos! How are you liking them? How could they be improved?
  • We have some more features that are being worked on right now, and we would love your feedback!
  • What other new features would you like to see on FirstVoices?
  • General Q&A period and technical support

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