Edit an existing song or story entry

Edit an existing song or story entry



All members of a language team can edit entries, while Language Admins and Recorders with Approval on a language team can delete entries on a language site.

You must be logged in as a member of a language team to edit or delete entries. To learn about how language teams work, check out our information on Managing your team's workflow with different roles.





1. Select the Song or Story you would like to edit in the "Songs" or "Stories" section. Click "Edit book".

2. You will be redirected to the title page entry form. Edit the info you wish to change, and click "Save" at the top of the page.

3. To edit the book pages, view the Story and click the "Edit / Reorder Pages" button in the Workspace bar. 

4. Scroll to find the page you wish to edit, and click "Edit".

5. A window with the page entry form will appear. Edit the information you wish to change. Click "Save" at the bottom of the entry form window.

6. Pages can be re-ordered using the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons