Learn more about recordings and media


Find information about audio recordings

To learn more about who recorded or contributed to an audio file on FirstVoices, find a word or phrase by searching the site or browsing in the Dictionary.

Click on the quick audio button for any entry in the Dictionary list. This will open the audio details bar.

Quick audio button, audio bar
Click the quick audio button to open the audio bar

With the audio bar open, you can view the speaker and file description. You can also change the volume and manually download the audio file.

You will also see a small info button in the audio bar. Click the info button to view additional file details where available, including acknowledgements, file size, and, other metadata.

Audio details pane

You can also download audio from FirstVoices to listen on the go! There is a download option on the right side, next to the volume bar and speed settings.


Find information about visual media

To learn more about the sources for images, gifs, and videos used in a FirstVoices dictionary, find a word or phrase by searching the site or browsing in the Dictionary. Click on an entry in the list to view the media element in the entry details panel. On the image/media preview, there is an info button.

Click the image preview or info button. This will open the media file in a fullscreen view. The file name and media source will be listed at the bottom of the view.