(New) Customizing your language site homepage

(New) Customizing your language site homepage


Only Language Administrators can edit the site homepage!

Check with your FirstVoices team regarding what role and permissions you have on the site.



Each community site on FirstVoices.com is extensively customizable to reflect community identity and decisions. The homepage is a memorable landing page that you can use to highlight the main content you would like visitors to see. It is constructed using Widgets, which are customizable blocks of content that respond to user screen size and can be interactive.

As a Language Administrator, you can edit your site by logging in and using your Dashboard.


Tutorial Video

Instructional video to walk through editing the site homepage


Edit your site homepage

Initial steps:

  1. Login to the new FirstVoices platform

  2. Navigate to the Dashboard. Check these instructions for using the Dashboard.

  3. Click “Edit your Homepage”

This will take you to the place where you can edit and organize the Widgets on your homepage.

The middle of the screen shows you mini-placeholders of Widgets that you can rearrange. The right side of the screen shows you details about each Widget and its settings.

Edit homepage page screenshot
Edit homepage content


If you’re not sure what the Widget will look like on your page, click the “Preview” button in the right-side panel.


Rearrange widgets

  1. Click on the “up/down” image on the widget placeholder

  2. Move widget to desired location

Design tip

While Widgets have been designed to be mix-and-matched, certain Widgets may work better at the top of your homepage. Ask yourself: What will visitors to my language site want to see first?

For example, if you want people to visit your language site every day to view the Word of the Day, consider putting the Word of the Day widget at the top of the page.


Add a Widget to the page

  1. Click the “+Widget” button to open your basket of available Widgets

  2. Select the Widget that you want to add to your page

    1. If this list is empty, or you can’t find the widget you want, you’ll need to create a new Widget.

    2. You can click the “Create a new widget” button to build a new Widget.

    3. Find more details about creating Widgets in this article: Working with Widgets

  3. After you’ve selected the Widget you want, click “Add”

Edit a Widget

  1. Click the placeholder of the Widget you want to edit

  2. On the right side of the page, view the Widget details

  3. Click the “Edit” button

  4. Update the widget settings and click “Save changes”

Remove a Widget from the page

  1. Click the placeholder of the Widget you want to remove

  2. On the right side of the page, view the Widget details

  3. Click “Remove from this page”

  4. Confirm your choice by clicking “Remove”


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