Review and approve language entries

Review and approve language entries


The tasks and dashboard system on FirstVoices makes it easy to work together on a language team to edit, review and publish entries collaboratively.

If you are a recorder or recorder with approval who creates a new entry, or edits an existing entry, you can request for your language administrator to review in order to check and change the visibility of a entry from "Language Team Only" to "Members Only" or "Public".

Language administrators and recorders with approval also have the ability to change the visibility of an entry from "Language Team Only" to "Members Only" or "Public" within the entry page itself.

Request a review

As a Recorder

  1. When you are logged in as a Recorder, you can create or edit word, phrase, song or story entries.

  2. Once you are ready for your Language Administrator to review your work, click the "Request Review" button and select which level of visibility you think the word should have: Team Only, Members Only or Public.

  3. Additionally, you can also add a comment if needed. For example, “This is a new word, please check that I spelt it correctly.”

  4. That request will be sent to the Language Administrator's Dashboard, for them to accept, ignore or request further changes.

  5. If you decide to make a change to an entry after submitting a request for review, you will need to resubmit a request for review. When there is a review request pending, you cannot submit another request without first clearing the existing request.

As a Recorder with Approval or Language Administrator

  1. As a Language Administrator or Recorder with Approval, navigate to an entry and click on the drop-down next to "Who can see this?"

  2. Select which level of visibility you would like the word to have: Team Only, Members Only or Public.

For more detailed information, see the video below:

Review requests in the Language Administrator Dashboard

  1. If you are logged in as a Language Administrator, you have access to a Dashboard where you can review requests made by your language team.

  2. Look through requests using either the widget view that shows general information about your tasks, or the detail view that shows specific details of your tasks with buttons to approve, ignore or request further changes.

  3. On the detail view, you have three options:

    1. Approve: This changes the visibility of the entry and will clear the task

    2. Ignore: This clears the task and no changes will be made

    3. Request further changes: This allows you to clear the task and send a message back to your Recorder or Recorder with Approval with a message about requested changes

For more detailed information, see the video below: