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Table of Contents


There are many ways to transcribe, and different methods exist to transcribe different types of speech. Common guidelines and principles of transcribing include the Leipzig Conventions that many linguists use to segment morphemes (meaningful units) in words and sentences also in tiers. In this module, you will learn how to download, configure, and use ELAN software to add layered or tiered transcription over audio-files.

Getting to Know ELAN

ELAN is an annotation tool that can segment and aid in transcribing Indigenous language recordings, both new and old.

ELAN comes from of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen in the Netherlands.



Only certain files can be added to ELAN. If you are experiencing trouble uploading a file, confirm it is one of the approved formats: .mpg, .mpeg, .wav, .mp4, .mpg4, .mov, .qt

Once you save the file, it will be a new .eaf file or ELAN EAF Document. And, the 'Automatic Backups' will ensure that the program is regularly saving a backup as an extension (eaf.00X) in the same location as your original audio.





Your Language

The transcription of the Indigenous language you are working with in its own orthography (if applicable)

  • Have a written record of speech in the target language

*This tier is essential!

Other Language 

A translation tier into a different language like English or French

  • Have a translation in a shared language that more people can understand at first glance

  • Comparison between languages

Part of Speech

Grammatical parts of speech of phrases and words

  • Identify grammatical aspects and characteristics between words

  • Collect meta-data for dictionary or FirstVoices entries

Semantic (or Thematicroles

The relationships that parts of an utterance play in regard to the verb (e.g. Agent or Instrument)

  • Identify grammatical aspects and characteristics between words and phrases

  • Comparison of phrases and word use


Each speaker in the recording has a tier for when they speak; this tier can be further specialized with what language(s) the participant is speaking

(e.g. Speaker: Ben / Language: Catalan & Speaker: Ben / Language: English)

  • Document different pronunciations and word choices

  • Annotation of a conversation or multi-person story/session

Phonetic transcription

The transcription of speech in a phonetic orthography to document each sound that is being used

  • Identify pronunciation differences

  • See what sounds are present in your language

Multiple orthographies

The transcription of speech in an alternate orthography or related community writing format

  • Maximize readability

  • Increase comfort level for readers less familiar with some writing systems

By morpheme

The transcription and segmentation of each meaningful unit of speech, often including roots, suffixes, prefixes and clitics (e.g. affixes)

  • Write examples for a community grammar

  • Document different environments/contexts for words

  • Document the internal structure of phrases and words


  1. Left-click at the beginning of the section you want to isolate

  2. Click again where you want the border of the annotation to be

  3. Right-click in the highlighted portion and in the options window, select 'New Annotation Here'

  4. You just made an editable segment!

'Selection Mode' prioritizes selecting annotations over everything else. If you click anywhere in the tiers portion, it will highlight the interior. Remember to uncheck this box after you are finished using it!


What is left to do after you have your annotation is to edit it.



Link to Interactive Module

Please follow this link to take you to the interactive module:Transcribing with ELAN

The essential takeaways from this module that you should at least feel knowledgeable about include:
