Install and configure Audacity

Install and configure Audacity



These instructions will help you download, install, and configure Audacity, a sound editing software. 


Install and set-up Audacity

Video Instructions for Windows:

Video Instructions for Mac:

Step by Step Instructions:

  1. Download the latest version of Audacity from this link: https://www.audacityteam.org/download/

  2. On Windows, open the installer and follow the set up Wizard prompts. On Mac, click on the Audacity installer (in your Downloads folder) and drag Audacity into the Applications folder:


  3. Delete the installer from the Finder by clicking the "Unmount" icon (Mac users only):

    Delete Audacity Installer (Mac)


  4. Open the Applications folder/menu to locate Audacity, and double click to launch the app.

  5. As the program starts it will display a set of links to the online Audacity Help and Wiki. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions found in the Wiki:

    Audacity Help (click to enlarge)


Select an audio input in Audacity


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