Crossover Webinar: Language Project Visioning
This recorded webinar is a collaboration between the Language Technology Program team and the FPCC Language Coaches. They excel at and help support language projects and initiatives through tailored workshops, planning, and other exercises. This special crossover features an overview about the steps and advantages of moving from a project-based plan to a more cohesive program-based plan as well as other strategies and a visioning exercise.
Above: Cultural Grounding exercise to connect Indigenous practices and planning together
To get in touch and arrange a session with the coaches or learn more about the Language Revitalization Planning Program that they most directly support, please reach out to the contacts below:
Language Coaches Contact:Â
Language Revitalization Planning Program Contact:Â
The visioning exercise's instructions are as followed below and is explained and guided in detail in the video. You can jump to this section, here.
Draw Community from a Bird's Eye View
A piece of paper (larger is better for more detail and to cover more area) and 4 different coloured markers/writing tools.
Brief Instructions
Using one colour (e.g. the darkest), draw and map out the roads, homes, businesses, admin-types buildings, schools, and other structures of your community
If you work or live in an urban setting away from your home territory, you can draw the connections between where you are, other parts of the community, and territory to bridge this space (e.g. how you communicate, how you travel between locations, how information is exchanged or shared).
2. Shade in the places where fluent language speakers are located in a different colour
3. Partially shade in where semi-fluent speakers are located in the third colour​
Circle where learning is taking place or put a dot where technology program tools are currently being used.
4. Now circle or draw where you want to see language technology in your final colour
This exercise is preferably done together in a group. However, you can also draw individual community maps and compare, contrast, and discuss how they differ or are the same. Here are some discussion questions:
Based on your community map(s), where do you want to see language technology programs?
How will this be achieved? (e.g. what are your action steps?)
How can we bridge language domains and technology across the community?
Here is an example from webinar participants!
For more insights, please find the attached Meaningful Conversations in Language Revitalization Work guide from the Language Coaches below:
Meaningful Conversations in Language Revitalization Work