Add or edit words and phrases
All members of the language team can add words and phrases to the language site. Only Editors and Language Administrators can freely publish, edit, and delete words and phrases.
You must be logged in as a member of a language team to create and manage entries. To learn about how language teams work, check out our information on language team roles on FirstVoices.
Add words and phrases
Log in and navigate to the Dashboard.
Click on "Create" in the left-side navigation panel.
Choose “Create a Word” for a word, or “Create a Phrase” for a phrase.
Fill in the form with your content. The form has several pages but most information is optional. You can click “Next Step” to move to the next page.
On the final page, indicate if the word should appear in the Kids Area and Games or not.
Click “Finish” at any point to save the entry.
Assistants: Once saved, the entry will be visible to members of your language team and can be reviewed by an Editor or Language Administrator.
Editors and Language Administrators: On the final page, you can indicate who should be able to access the word: only your language team, members of your language site, or anybody.
Edit words and phrases
Only Language Administrators and Editors can perform this action.
Log in and navigate to the Dashboard.
Click on "Edit" in the left-side navigation panel.
Choose “Edit words” or “Edit phrases”.
Scroll through the entries, or use the search bar to find a specific one to edit.
Click on the pencil next to the word/phrase you want to edit. Or, click the word/phrase and a drawer will pop out so you can see its details. Then click “Edit”.
Make any necessary changes and click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.
If you are outside the Dashboard and find an entry you wish to edit, you can use the quick-copy button to search for it easily, when you are back in the Dashboard.
Delete words and phrases
Only Language Administrators and Editors can perform this action.
Follow the instructions to “Edit a word/phrase” until you reach the edit form.
Click “Delete word/phrase” at the top of the edit form to remove it permanently from the site.
A confirmation warning will pop out. If you are sure you want to remove the entry, click “Delete”.
Use custom searches to find and filter
Only Language Administrators and Editors can perform this action.
Once there are a lot of words and phrases in your dictionary, you may want to filter through the available words in specific ways. Language Administrators and Project Coordinators may have reporting requirements or specific goals about the direction of their work. The Advanced Search and Reports areas can help people in these roles to evaluate the overall contents of their sites, and create dynamic lists of which entries to work on next. This can be especially useful when writing reports for FPCC programs.
To view a quick report:
Log in and navigate to the Dashboard.
In the left side navigation, choose “Reports”.
Select any of the pre-set options, such as “Recently created”.
To create a custom report:
Log in and navigate to the Dashboard.
In the left side navigation, choose “Reports”.
Select the top option: “Build your own”.
A list of dictionary entries will appear. Options for sorting will appear below the search bar on the top left, and options for filtering will appear on the top right.
Choose some options to customize the list that appears.
You can use the “Words / Phrases / Both” toggle in the top right corner to switch between different kinds of entries.
Use this report often? Bookmark the page in your browser for easy access.
Example: How much content have you published?
Many language teams have reporting requirements, and it is useful to know how much your team has achieved. Use the quick Reports to track how much content is available to your community.
Go to Reports → Public content and write down the total number of entries.
Go to Reports → Members-only content and write down the total number of entries.
Do this as often as you need to. FirstVoices staff recommends doing it at least three times – at the beginning of your project, halfway through, and at the end.
Some teams check their totals monthly or even weekly!
Example: How much of the dictionary is recorded?
If your team has a goal to add an audio recording to every word in the dictionary, you could customize a report to support your workflow.
Choose Audio → Has no audio
Select Words in the top right
Once you edit a word by adding audio, it will not show up in the list anymore. This report will dynamically show you how close your team is to its goal.
Don’t forget to switch the filter to Has audio to check out how far you have come!
Example: What content is ready for review?
If your team has a workflow where entries start as Team-only and get gradually filled out, you might have several steps of review before the word is published. You can customize a report to help you find which words are ready for review.
Choose Visibility → Team-only
If you require words to have a translation, choose Translations → Has translation
If you require words to have audio, choose Audio → Has audio
Review the words in the list and determine which ones are ready to be published for your community. Once you publish the word, it will not show up in the results anymore.
More about the word/phrase creation form
Use this table for tips if you are not sure how to fill out the form when creating or editing a word or phrase.
Field | Guideline |
Word/Phrase | The word/phrase in the Indigenous language. |
Translation | Describe the meaning in English. If needed, you can add multiple meanings. |
Audio | An audio recording of the word/phrase being spoken. Add from your media library or upload a new file. |
Categories | Select vocabulary categories that the word/phrase relates to. For example: Animals, Food, Activities. |
Related Entries | Connect the entry to other words or phrases that it relates to. For example: a plural form, an example phrase where a word appears. |
Notes | Include publicly visible notes. For example: information relating to cultural practices of the community, implications or connotations of the word/phrase, literal translations which may be different from the word's meaning. If needed, you can add multiple notes. |
Acknowledgements | Note the original person who shared the word/phrase, or a book or document that the word/phrase was spoken by or found in. You can also acknowledge the team member(s) who made the entry. If needed, you can add multiple acknowledgements. |
Images | Illustrative images to help indicate the meaning. Add from your media library or upload a new file. |
Videos | Videos to help indicate the meaning or demonstrate the word/phrase being spoken. Add from your media library, link to Youtube/Vimeo, or upload a new file. |
Pronunciation (words) | Indicate pronunciation of the word in a sound-it-out or linguistic format that may not be a real spelling. |
Part of speech (words) | Indicate the grammar of the word. For example: Noun, Verb, Name, Question Word |
Alternate spelling (words) | Indicate more possible spellings of the word. These alternate spellings will be searchable. |
How to choose Word or Phrase? On FirstVoices, the only difference between words and phrases are that “Words” can have a grammatical part of speech (e.g. “Noun”). Many Indigenous languages have long words that can be translated as entire phrases in English – your team can choose how you would like to treat them.
The FirstVoices team continues to make improvements in this area and we welcome your feedback. Let us know what you think by emailing!