Find songs and stories

Find songs and stories



Getting started

To get started browsing for songs and stories, first visit any language site. Then, go to the top navigation bar and click “Learn”. Then select “Songs” or “Stories”.


Browsing songs

Click “Learn” and select “Songs” to browse the language site’s collection of songs. You can view the songs either as large blocks with a preview of the song cover image, or as a list.

Browse songs with preview images

Click any song to open a details panel on the side. The new panel shows some introductory details, where available.

Click “Go to Song” in the details panel to view the full song page, including any lyrics and additional media or recordings.

Browsing stories

Click “Learn” and select “Stories” to browse the language site’s collection of stories. You can view the stories either as large blocks with a cover image preview, or as a list.

Click on any story title to open the details panel. This will show you details from the cover page and introduction (where available) and a cover image or video.

Click “Go to Story” in the details pane to open the full story view. Cover page details are listed at the top, and additional pages are shown when you scroll down. Each page may include some text, translations, audio recordings, images, or videos.


Searching for songs and stories

To search for specific songs or stories, go to the language site homepage. Type your search into the main search bar, and press “Enter”. You can search in the language, or in English.

The results page will show you all results across the site that are a close match to your search. To look for only songs or stories among the results, go to “Filter” on the left side of the page and select “Songs” or “Stories”.

This will give you a list of only the song or story titles that are a close match to your search. Click any song/story in the list to view its cover page in the details pane. You’ll also see the button to “Go to” the item’s full page.