2023-2024: In-Person Language Technology Program Training
This page may be updated as LTP-2324 training commences and new resources are created based on needs and interests.
Please check this page frequently for new content.
After a three year hiatus, FPCC has been able to offer in-person Language Technology Program training for its FirstVoices and Digitization components.
This page houses the training syllabi, handouts, and links for pre-reading and additional review on training topics.
Training sessions are divided in general FirstVoices, specialized FirstVoices, Digitization, and shared topics.
Learn more about the differences between cohorts/workshop focuses below:
Session Key
Session Type/Topic | Description | Best For |
General FirstVoices | FV-Topics will include how to use FirstVoices site features, navigate the updated platform, and talks on workflows and planning for documentation and recording with speakers. |
FirstVoices Specialized Breakout | FV-Specialized Breakout is a smaller group setting for discussions and more intimate support to set up sites and have FV DEVs take a closer look at your work in a comfortable space. |
Digitization | DiGI-Topics will include conversion processes for analogue materials, archiving principles, storage methods, and how to manage resources long-term. |
Shared | All Groups/Shared Topics sessions will be for everyone to attend to discuss shared topics like roles in language projects, how to engage with technology and language, and other data maintenance issues. |
Resources on this page are divided by which day their topics are covered by FPCC staff and by which session/topics they best align in.
Some resources & pages might appear repeated times on this page.
In-Person Training Syllabi
Prince George
Day One Resources
All Group/Shared Resources
Digitization 101: https://firstvoices.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DIGI/pages/318701569
About FirstVoices: https://firstvoices.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FIR1/pages/1704813
Roles in FirstVoices & DiGI Projects (Language Revitalization) -
Roles in Your Digitization Project: Roles in Your Digitization Project
Team Roles on FirstVoices: (New) Team roles on FirstVoicesarchived
Onboarding Checklist: Onboarding checklist: Setup for new language teams
Helpful Presentation
Consulting with Community
Archival Acquisition: Archival Acquisition: Adding to Collections
Access Protocols: Making Access Protocols
Consult Your Community: https://firstvoices.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FIR1/pages/17662579
Language Gathering & Collection Guide: https://firstvoices.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FIR1/pages/1705701
Helpful Presentation
FirstVoices Resources
FirstVoices Site Set-Up
Add information to your language site: Add information to your language site homepagearchived
Prepare for the migration: Post-migration checklist: Review your site on the new FirstVoices platform
Helpful Presentation
FirstVoices Site Updates