Create and edit custom pages
Only Language Administrators can edit the site pages!
Check with your FirstVoices team regarding what role and permissions you have on the site.
Tutorial video
What goes in a page?
If you would like to add longer pages of text to your language site, you can design custom pages. These custom pages can host an unlimited amount of text, images, and Widgets. Teams can use these pages to share detailed content specific to their community, language, or territory.
Tip: Draft all the text that you need for the page in advance and check it among your language team. Consult with members of your community in the drafting process where appropriate.
The elements in yellow are required for the page to be created.
Fields | Specifications |
Title | 90 characters maximum |
Subtitle | 225 characters maximum |
URL-friendly name | No special characters or spaces, 20 characters maximum
Page banner | For images:
For videos:
Page text | This can include any number of Widgets and any amount of text. You can add an unlimited amount of text to a Page Text Widget and use it as the main text for your page. This Widget can handle limited formatting like:
You can add other Widgets to add images or interactive content. Read about all the available Widgets to choose from. |
Visibility | Who can access this page? You can choose between:
Pages are a part of your language site. If your site is Members-only, then the maximum visibility of your page will be Members-only.
Create a custom page on the Dashboard
Once you have the basic ingredients ready to design your custom page, including all the necessary page text, images, and video, you can create and edit your pages from the Dashboard.
Create Widgets for page content
Widgets are customizable blocks of content that you can add to your custom pages. You can create Widgets at any time: before or after the page is created.
To create Widgets in advance of your custom page, follow the instructions to create and manage Widgets from your Dashboard.
You can also create the Widgets after you create the custom page.
Create your custom page
Login as a Language Administrator and go to your Dashboard
In the navigation sidebar on the left hand side, click “Create”
Choose “Create Custom Page”
Fill out the form with details about your new custom page (page title and URL are required)
Create new custom page formAdd a banner by choosing your banner image/video from your media collection
Click “Create Page” to create the page
The custom page URL cannot be changed once it is created! Make sure that you have typed the URL correctly before you move on.
Once you have created the page, you will be taken to the Edit form to update the page content. From this view you will be able to:
Add Widgets and content to the page, or remove them
Rearrange the Widgets into the order of your choice
Edit Widget content
You can follow the same steps for adding, editing, and deleting Widgets as you used for your homepage. Find detailed instructions for adding, editing, and deleting Widgets on a page.
Edit your custom pages
To go to the Edit Page form:
Login as a Language administrator and navigate to your site Dashboard
In the Dashboard navigation on the left side, click “Edit”
Choose “Edit a custom page”
Choose the page that you would like to edit and click the pencil button next to it
Edit Widgets and content
You can follow the same steps for adding, editing, and deleting Widgets as you used for your homepage. Find detailed instructions for adding, editing, and deleting Widgets on a page.
The only difference between editing the homepage and custom pages is that custom pages can use the Unlimited Text Widget to contain as much text as you want.
Design tip: Consider breaking up your text with media content to provide a more visual and user-friendly reading experience.
Change the page title, banner, or access restrictions
At the top right corner of the Edit Page form, click “Edit Page Header”
Change your page’s title or subtitle in the form
Select the correct banner from your site media browser
Choose who can access the page: Public (everybody), Members only, or Language Team only
Click “Save”
Delete a custom page
Use extreme caution when deleting a page. If visitors to your site have saved or bookmarked your page, deleting the page will break their bookmarks. FirstVoices staff recommends only creating pages that you will keep for the entire lifetime of your language site.
At the top of the Edit form, click “Edit Page Header”
Click the button “Delete Page” at the top
Confirm your choice